Official communication and rules about NFT « SpaceFarmers » project.
10 SpaceFarmers
20 pieces / SpaceFarmer
10 differents collaboration with NFT artist
First edition (NewEra)
The goal: collect them all !
Launch: July 15th 2021
1 SpaceFarmer per month — 1 Collaboration per SpaceFarmer
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The first Ever SpaceFarmer will be mint on the official FlameDeFi HicetNunc account:
Mint date: July 15th, 11h am UTC
This will be the First SpaceFarmer of the first « NewEra » Edition.
First artist collaboration: Jeremiah Ketner
Name of the First SpaceFarmer: Cosmic Blaze.
If there is unsold piece of the SpaceFarmer 10 days after the release, we will burn them to increase scarcity of the SpaceFarmer.
How to buy SpaceFarmer?
You can buy our SpaceFarmers only on our FlameDeFi HicetNunc account.
You can buy it with $XTZ. All the XTZ from the sale will be use to buyback $FLAME and burn them forever.
We will fix the price with the artist. The price can be different for every SpaceFarmer.
The price for the first SpaceFarmer will be 30 $XTZ. Same price for the 20 pieces. This can change for the other SpaceFarmer.
The artist will also have 50% of the revenue from the sale.
We will mint 3 SpaceStuff per Character. There will be 3 SpaceStuff per SpaceFarmer. Each SpaceFarmer will have related SpaceStuff.
1 SpaceStuff will be minted in 5 pieces.
1 SpaceStuff will be minted in 3 pieces.
1 SpaceStuff will be minted in 1 piece.
Each SpaceStuff will give more power or specificity and rarity to his SpaceFarmer.
The SpaceStuff will not be on sale like the SpaceFarmers.
How to receive SpaceStuff?
* Hold the NFT SpaceFarmer in your wallet.
* Hold fDAO LP or FLAME LP in our SpaceFarm.
The SpaceStuff will be airdrop to people who match with those conditions.
To be eligible for the SpaceStuff airdrop, you need to match with those special conditions:
1 SpaceStuff will be minted in 5 pieces. → Hold minimum 75 FLAME LP.
1 SpaceStuff will be minted in 3 pieces. → Hold minimum 75 fDAO LP.
1 SpaceStuff will be minted in 1 piece. → To the biggest fDAO LP holder between all the wallet who have the relative SpaceFarmer.
If we have more than 5 people who hold more than 75 FLAME LP, we will give the SpaceStuff NFT to those who hold the most FLAME LP of them.
Same condition for the 2nd SpaceStuff with the fDAO LP.
We will announce the airdrop 72h before the airdrop.
The snapshot will be take 24h before the airdrop.
Every month, we will airdrop 150k $FLAME token to one of the lucky NFT holder. The condition to be eligible to this airdrop is to hold at least 75 Flame LP Token.
Mayor of the « NewEra » Galaxy
The holder who will be able to collect all the SpaceFarmers (10), will be designed as the Mayor of the Galaxy and will win a special « Mayor of the New Era Galaxy » NFT and 10 $fDAO, our governance token.
Staking with your SpaceFarmers:
We will reveal some details about staking your SpaceFarmers later.
If you have any questions, join our Telegram Group:
To buy FLAME:
Contract address: KT1Wa8yqRBpFCusJWgcQyjhRz7hUQAmFxW7j
To buy fDAO:
Contract address: KT1KPoyzkj82Sbnafm6pfesZKEhyCpXwQfMc